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Mr. Pratik Sharma

Technology Entrepreneur (Partner & UK Representative)

Mr. Pratik Sharma is a technology entrepreneur with significant international experience. He has 35+ years of diversified & enriched expertise. Pratik’s training at Harvard Business School, Higher Learning Programme and his leading roles in the development of start up’s their marketing strategies, Cross- Selling and other intra-business initiatives have helped Strategic alliance services in harnessing and maintaining the edge required in today’s fast moving economy.

1, Brookside, Calcot,
Reading, RG31 7PJ
United Kingdom
Tel.no. +44 7780607589

Dr. Asmita Wele

M D (Ayurveda)

Dr. Asmita Wele is a professor and head of the department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajyakalpana Vigyan [Ayurveda pharmacology] at College of Ayurveda Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University in Pune, India. She is also Honorary Professor, University of Debrecen, Hungary. Her expertise lies in designing and execution of end to end research projects of Ayurvedic formulations.

She has been Principle investigator of DST project, AYUSH projects, and member of AYUSH-International Co-operation committee, of scientific advisory committee of Gujarat Ayurveda University, Jamnagar and of BoS and Academic Council of BHU, Varanasi. She has delivered about 100 lectures as a resource person in several interdisciplinary workshops and conferences and on public platforms. She has published over 35 research papers, articles, chapters and also authored a book on research methodology. She is a reviewer for some indexed journals from Elsevier, Scopus and PubMed databases. Her areas of special interest are Asthma, Cancer and Neuropsychology and Nutrition apart from her expertise in Ayurveda drug development. Consistent with her family legacy of ‘Vaidya’ tradition from Goa, Dr. Asmita has earned her B. A. M. S. and M. D. degrees from the University of Poona. She has completed GCP Training by CDSCO and EC-IRB training by DAIDS supported by NIH. She was the Ayurveda Expert and co-rapporteur for the historic working group meeting for development of WHO Benchmark documents on Panchakarma, Ayurveda Practice and Training. She is an active member of many organizations. She has travelled to Europe, USA, Mexico, Africa, Nordic countries, Middle East, UK etc on professional assignments

Dr. Gaurav Dhande

M Sc (Biotechnology), Ph D (Molecular Biology)

Dr. Gaurav Dhande is a bio technologist working in the field of Agriculture, Molecular biology and plant biotechnology. His research work focuses on crop improvement using biotechnological tools viz. Marker assisted selection, RNAi and tissue culture. Dr. Gaurav is awarded with best innovation in agriculture award funded by BIRAC, DBT New Delhi for development of double low Brassica, a collaborative project between Nirmal seeds and TERI, New Delhi. He has managed many multimillionaire funded projects supported by BIRAC, DBT, New Delhi. He is also awarded with ICGEB fellowship. Currently Dr. Gaurav is offering his services to various agriculture & health care companies for setting up their Laboratories, SOP’s, Project funding and Liasoning with govt. agencies.

Dr. Dhande has alliance with The Energy and Resources Institute, New Delhi on various biotechnological aspects such as training in Molecular Biology Services and commercialization of product & technologies developed by TERI. His global partners include companies as MR. Int (Switzerland) & Ficosterra (Spain) offering exclusivity to Dr. Dhande for commercialization of EU technologies in Indian market.

Operis Agrotechnologies Pvt. Ltd.(OAPL)

Dr Gauav & Vaishali Dhande under able mentoring of Ashish Wele (who acts as Emiretus Chair of Operis) established OAPL in 2017.

It is one of leading agriculture input company from Maharashtra, India. OAPL possess exclusive right to commercialize field production technology of mycorrhizae developed at Mycosym Switerzerland. OAPL also has strategic alliance with Vitabeam UK and Ficosterra Spain for scaling up their innovative technologies in India.

OAPL has manufacturing setup of organic fertilizer based at Dhamangaon Railway, Amravati Maharashtra with production capacity of 70 MT/Day (21000MT / Year). OAPL offers services to more than twenty five companies in India which includes agriculture, diagnostic, pharma and food companies.

Services of OAPL includes fertilizer production facilities setup, R& D lab setup, project conceptualization & arranging project funding.Biofertilizer production unit at Dhamnagaon Railway District Amravati , Maharashtra with production capacity of 70 MT /Day

Mr. Ayaz Shaikh

B. Tech (MIT ADT Pune) MSc (UNIDEB, Hungary)

Food safety Engineer and digital savvy with experience in Product & Business Development, Market Research, Branding with specialization in Fast moving consumer goods. M. Sc in Food safety and Quality with special Honours from University of Debrecen, Hungary. Work experience with Mondelez International- Pune India, Aquitas Business Solutions-Pune? and Mrida Group LLP- New Delhi(Hungary operations), Having degree in Food Technology from MITCFT University, Pune India) He is having diverse background of working on different assignments in different field of operations.

He also awarded with EIT Food Masters in Food Systems( A specialized master’s program designed by European Institute of Technology for emerging entrepreneurs and food professionals) to study at different universities in EU starting from UW-Poland, UHOH-Germany, UAM-Spain. He is having skills in Entrepreneurship, Business pitching, Business Development, Market Research, Life science, and Digital Technologies. He represents Alumni Network Hungary at global platform. Perusing his Ph D at UNIDEB Hungary.

Mr. Sanjay Pawar

Sanjay Pawar is a Tech Agri-prenuer who has been implementing state of art agriculture since 1982. He hails from a family with agricultural roots and a science background which lead him to the changing facet of modern agriculture and to take this vocation. Starting on a 6 acre land with plantation of sugarcane this was implemented with the then modern technology under the guidance of Mr. JN Patel, an esteemed agriculturist of India.

Sanjay with his constant learning & improvements, has honed the art of yield management and then scaled a new record of achieving a yield of 75 Tonne per acre in within 3 years.

He brings in a huge experience of horticulture and floriculture of more than 3+ decades. His work in cultivation of pomegranate, grapes and various seasonal fruits, using scientific techniques and the best of seeds and fertilisers and good on field practices has yielded excellent quality of fruits. He has been exporting fruits from India to Europe , Middle East and all parts of the world for more than 3 decades.

In the year 1999, he was awarded an award by Syngenta the Global giant in Agri sector as the “Highest Yield Grosser for Marigold”.

During the course of late 90’s he realised the abuse and depreciation of soil quality due to use of chemical based fertilisers. The so called “Organic Agriculture” was just a buzz word with a few scientist trying it out. Sanjay vociferously jumped on to the bandwagon as it was the most logical and most eco friendly thing to do, and he has researched in this space and has developed many best practices for many a cash crops to be grown organically

Sanjay brings with him a huge repertoire of expertise which includes many facets of agriculture like land development, land tilling, farm planning, soil management, crop management, organic farm creations, legalities and certifications for Organic Management, as he has been implementing these for the past 25+ years.

He has successfully implemented pure organic farming practices across various land tracts in the state of Gujarat with the help of vermi compost using cow dung manure, which is available in abundance.

Phosphate Rich Organic Manure / Fertiliser is a ready and organic alternative available for crops, which can be easily produced in India and is a Soil saver product for Organic farming. Sanjay today is a part of Tech team involved in manufacture of PROM and many Organic Agri inputs which are the need of the hour for Sustainable Agriculture.

Sanjay’s tech background and over 4 decades of well rounded experience in various fields of agriculture from cash crops to horticulture to floriculture to land development and business establishments, makes him a unique Tech-Agri Consultant for any large scale project design, review or implementation.